
Aldi, the award-winning food retailer, is bringing forward proposals for a new, high-quality food store on land at East Road/Wyndham Place in Egremont.

The site, which has lain dormant since 2020, was previously used as a petrol station and Ford dealership. It is allocated as an “opportunity site” suitable for commercial and employment development within the emerging Local Plan.

Aldi is proposing to redevelop the site with a new discount food store, to improve retail choice locally, and bring the site back into productive use. With limited food shopping choice within the area, the proposals offer a real opportunity to better meet these demands, cutting travel times (to Whitehaven) and keeping spend within the local economy. In addition to regenerating a long-term vacant site, the proposals will deliver significant levels of investment and provide new jobs for the Egremont community.

Aldi plans to submit its planning application to Cumberland Council in the early months of 2024.